Friday, June 29, 2012

Oh Susana!

In the event that you still thought that New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez had a shot at being the GOP candidate for VP, her reaction to yesterday's ACA ruling by the Supreme Court should make you think again.  Here's some of what she said:

“You know, what I think is important is that we provide a system that is available to those that are most in need, making sure that we are not forcing families to buy something that they can’t afford. But, by the same token, I think there are parts of it, for example, you know being allowed to have your child, until they are 26, insure them. They are going to college, etc., I think that’s a good thing. I think the pre-existing conditions, you know, we want to make sure that we’re taking care of people. So, I want to make sure that, is it in its entirety, or are there parts of it that we can keep, to make sure that we’re taking care of that very needy population.”

You can read and see more here.

I guess Team Romney will be looking elsewhere for help with women and Latinos.


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